
Avatar Sumo 14

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Part 14

Sokka walked over to the pile of food and very gingerly laid his fattened body next to it.  Toph waddled over, a wide smile on her face as she thought about what was about to happen.

“OK Toph, now we’ve really got to fatten me up.” Sokka said.  “So just start shoving and no matter how much I may beg or plead, don’t stop until I’m as big as Katara and Aang.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Toph said, still grining.  “I’ve got the perfect plan to fatten you up.”

With that, Toph stomped her foot, and a long pillar of earth sprang up next to Sokka.  Using her Earthbending, Toph shifted and altered the pillar until it became a slide that led directly into Sokka’s mouth.

“All right, perfect!  Now let’s… mmpphh.” Sokka started to say, but he was forced to stop as Toph grabbed an armload of food and sent it down the slide, forcing it against Sokka’s mouth.  The Water Tribesman was forced to start eating or suffocate.

“C’mon wussy!  Chew and swallow, it’s not that hard!” Toph yelled, as she sent another load down the chute.  Sokka’s eyes went wide as he saw it, realizing that maybe he should’ve done this by himself.  But there was no way out of it now.

For the next two hours, Sokka ate simply to stay alive as Toph pushed more and more food down to him.  And though Sokka grew tired very quickly, he never stopped eating.  The results became obvious soon enough.  His belly began to swell quickly, inflating like a loaf of bread as it pushed past his waist and almost down to his knees.  His arms and legs grew rounder and rounder as his body swelled, his face growing another two sets of chins.

Finally, even Toph decided he’d had enough and stopped the food train.  Waddling over to Sokka, she knelt down by him and said, “So, how do you feel?”

“So full….. but so big.” Sokka moaned through his pastry covered lips, as he rubbed his swollen belly.

“Got that right.” Toph said.  “I think you’re at least twice as big as you were before.”

“G-Good.” Sokka said.

“Yep.  And now, it’s my turn.” Toph said, as she used Earthbending to force Sokka up.  “So get started tubbo.  I’m hungry.”

Sokka moaned at the motion on his overstuffed frame, but as he saw Toph laying down next to the food chute, thoughts of revenge quickly overtook his discomofort.  Moving as fast as he could, Sokka got to the foodpile, grabbed an armload and sent it down to Toph, saying, “Here we go Toph!”  The food landed against Toph’s face, as Sokka turned to get another load.  But when he turned, all he saw was Toph sitting there licking her lips, going, “Hey was that an appetizer or what?”

Sokka gaped in surprise, but kept going, shooting down the next load. And again, Toph seemed to eat it within seconds.  They kept going at it for almost two hours, in which time, the Earthbender’s stomach swelled to where it almost burst out of her sumo suit.  Her face and neck fused into one fat entity as Toph swallowed everything that came down her way.  She reached Sokka’ old size, and then surpassed it, growing to his current frame by the end of the hour.

“OK, that’s enough.” Sokka said, as he backed away from the food.

“No way!  I can take it!  More c’mon!” Toph yelled.

“We can’t eat anymore without the others figuring things out.” Sokka said.  “Besides, we’re at least as big as they are now.  We did it.”

“I guess.” Toph said, as she earthbent herself back to her feet.  “But we coulda done…. Well actually, this feels really good.”

“Doesn’t it?” Sokka said, smiling as he rubbed his belly.

“Man, I’ve never been able to see this good.” Toph said as she moved about.  “And everything feels so big.” She added, feeling over her body.  “Man, I can’t believe I’m twelve and I need a bra.  And wow, my ass is huge!”

“Me too.” Sokka said, as he felt the contours of his own body.  “You may’ve been rough Toph, but you had the right idea.”

“Yeah.  I’ll bet Twinkletoes and Sugar Queen would’ve never come up with that.”

“Yeah.  Now come on, let’s get back to bed before we’re found out.”

Toph nodded and the two of them began to waddle back to their sleeping areas, their fattened bodies jiggling with every step.
OK guys, new chap once again. It's kinda short, but I hope you like it anyway.
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CatsTuxedo's avatar
I'm quite tempted to do a pic on this chapter.